Tech · · 6 min read

Resource: The Adtech Stack

A handy resource to get you started on the journey to build a solid adtech foundation within your digital marketing organization.

Resource: The Adtech Stack

Ok gang, this week's newsletter is designed to be a utility. You might not need this info right this second. Eventually, you will.

This is part of the adtech stack outline I wish I had when I first started in the business many years ago. For each layer of the tech stack, I'll provide a quick list of the tools that most brands need to be successful.

1. Planning

A proper adtech stack begins well before the placement or purchase of an ad. It starts with tools that enable the creation of a solid media plan.

For those that have been following me for a while, you'll remember the "Warning: Your campaign (process) is broken" edition that outlined the best way to tackle your end-to-end campaign process.

Tools that assist the planning phase:

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Resource: How ACR Works
Tech · members

Resource: How ACR Works

Automatic Content Recognition (ACR) is a powerful technology allowing near census level measurement of video consumption on smart TV's. Here's everything you need to know to understand how it works.