Travis Lusk

Travis Lusk

Advertising strategist, consultant to Fortune 100 brands, and occasional instigator at


Amazonian AI
Retail Media · members

Amazonian AI

Kelly MacLean's speech at the IAB Annual Leadership Meeting was a masterful blend of acknowledging AI fatigue while simultaneously serving up a hefty dose of Amazon's AI Kool-Aid.

IAB ALM: AI and Privacy Palooza
Events · members

IAB ALM: AI and Privacy Palooza

“Nothing stays the same for very long,” said new IAB Chair John Halley. “As executives it is our first day of school, every day. It is a gift. Also, it is a total pain in the ass.”

Digital Plague Draining Ad Budgets
Waste · members

Digital Plague Draining Ad Budgets

Made-for-advertising sites are draining your digital ad budgets without you knowing. Today, we discuss how they pull it off. Plus the source code for a script to screenshot ads on any site you want.