Travis Lusk

Travis Lusk

Travis Lusk, the writer of ADLINGO, with 19 years of experience in adtech and media strategy, teaching large brands how to drive outcomes.


Not Advertising Week
Retail Media · members

Not Advertising Week

This week, I'm at Groceryshop in Las Vegas, connecting with retailers and grocery brands to better understand their needs—without the usual ad tech overload. It kinda feels like the first day at a new school. 🤓

News: Brand's $4 Billion Blindspot
News · members

News: Brand's $4 Billion Blindspot

Despite the myths, news environments prove to be high-return and brand-safe. With performance upwards of 8.5x higher, avoiding news media might be the most misguided marketing myth yet.

Spaghetti Footballs of Antitrust
Google · paid

Spaghetti Footballs of Antitrust

If you are like most sane people, the term "spaghetti football" means nothing. For adtech nerds, it is the recipe for dominance. Our recommendations of the best coverage of the US vs Google, LLC trial.

Google · members


Resource: 3-minute read to get you caught up on the court's verdict against Google, declaring it a "monopolist."